Whatever language you use to pray to or worship the Almighty God, make sure your mind and heart are set on the Almighty, your Father and not a Gentile or heathen god. Many languages substitute the true name of our creator for another word that does not represent Him. There is only one God and in original Hebrew and His Name we are directed to use to represent Him is YHWH and His only son, Jesus or Yashua in Hebrew or Iesous in Greek. Most of us do not speak Hebrew or Greek, but we must still know that the words we use represent our true God. Therefore, we use names such as Almighty God, Father, Jesus, and King of Kings. However, most Gentile countries had other gods before spreading the Gospel abroad. These names were used for centuries before Christianity and do not represent our God. Therefore, Christians should replace these names with the name of our Almighty God. One example is the word "atua" used in the Maori language. Unfortunately, mainstream organisations calling th...