Tips on understanding God's Word: Just reading the Bible or picking verses here and there like from a dictionary of quotations doesn't make much difference in our lives. What we need to do is think deeply about God's Word and how we can form a deeper relationship with Him (Josh 1:8). For instance, I pondered on this at the weekend. 1 Pet 5:5 “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” This is repeated in James 4:6 and both are taken from Prov 3:34. If we take this with the verses that follow (1 Pet 5:6-11), we can see that God only listens to those that humble themselves. If we worry about our problems or blame others for our circumstances, as Adam and Eve did (Gen 3:12,13), we are exhibiting pride. How is this pride? Because we believe our complaints and worrying solve our problems and not God. Humility is about admitting that doing things our way and promoting self-importance, doesn't work. When we only think about ourselves first, we are unable to think...